Friends have been sending me pictures of my book as they receive it! <3
First, NPR covered it yesterday (in print, not audio.. you can read it here). I had a wonderful conversation with Paul Chrisholm (who has a background in entomology!) and I think the piece turned out great. I could have done without the photo of bugs hanging out of someone's mouth, but sensationalism is the name of the game with the media, so I can't pretend to be surprised.
Entomofago, which is based in the EU, is the first international media group to focus entirely on edible insects. They published an interview with me on their blog (available here). It's a nice little piece that asks a bit more about how I got interested in the topic and why I decided to write a book.
Lastly, my publisher, University Press of Florida, asked me to write a blog post (here) to accompany the book's release. They wanted a little bit of a "behind the scenes" feel to the post so I decided to try to show how I work with many different sources of information in order to reconstruct this part of the diet in the past.
I have some radio interviews coming up and expect there to be some more online articles going around. I am very pleased with the reception of the book's release. I am working hard to push away the negative thoughts that this will all change once people have read it!