Chapul is a small company with a wonderful mission who makes protein bars out of cricket flour. I had the chance to share these bars with a couple of friends and colleagues. Here is a brief transcript of two of my friends trying the peanut butter chocolate bar:

D: Peanut butter chocolate-y
M: Maybe a little light on the peanut butter, but good. It's more peanut -y than peanut butter-y. *reads ingredients* You can definitely taste the dates.
D: Can you taste the bugs?
M: No, of course not. It's good.
D: The bars are dense and satisfying, not oily, you know?
M: Yeah, they're good.
Additionally, if you or someone you know is interested in trying to incorporate crickets into a dish, get in touch! I will get you in contact with the right people. Who knows, your recipe may be used in an upcoming Future Food Salon!